All the Ways We Work
Professional Development
Workshops & Mini-Series

Our workshops are facilitated, interactive, hands-on gathering for you and your team. We bring human-centered engagement and progress to your company culture, employment trainings, and continuing education.
Choose from a menu of topics, such as:
Diversity & Inclusion (i.e. DEI 101, Microaggressions, Neurodivergence in the Workplace, etc.)
Productivity (i.e. Purposeful Play)
Work / Life Balance (i.e. Working Remotely Works)
Community (i.e. Building A Team Without Team Building)
Additional themes and offerings available, please feel free to reach out with details on what your company is looking to focus on (team building, communication, experiential employee engagement, etc.).

Team Building & Culture Work

There is power in playful spaces and shared experiences. We provide and facilitate drop-in or structured activities that can enhance your special events, all-hands meetings, retreats, and trainings; or we can collaborate with you to create a more customized experience.

Custom Betterment Projects

Betterment Projects are short or long term, tailored programs that assess where you're at and chart a path towards where you'd like to be. We often start with our foundational Company Culture & Climate Analysis to gather data and information that is unique to your company, staff, and situation. We then work with you to create and introduce you to infrastructure, tools, and practices that empower your team to make progress and have an impact. This can be its own, focused initiative, or an existing event, project, or retreat that we can partner with you to create an even more grounded and engaging experience for your team.

We also love speaking to new groups at conferences! Some of the ones where we've spoken in the past, or will be speaking soon, include: